Welcome to the blog. I’ll try it again.
I deeply apologize for such a long absence and lack of updates.
Since the Encounter Talk, health has challenged me in every way and I have not been able to pursue my regular activities or Book Two. In addition to new medication, which created havoc and is just now levelling out, I had to give up driving and sold my car.
But I hope to be back in the saddle reinstating the blog to write specifically about illness and spirituality. About this amazing journey and where/how I look for the silver lining to thrive rather than just cope.
Or as Richard Rohr says ‘enter the realm of co-creator power.’
So to briefly re-capsulate, I was diagnosed with MS in 2007 in my mid forties. During the first seven years I went from a fully abled graphic designer to a full time disability pension recipient. I made some mighty beginnings down various alternative health roads and found patches of light but also experienced deep patches of despair that, towards the end, were increasing and lasting longer. Until I had an encounter with Jesus in 2015 and moved into the light. Very bright light.
Then in 2019, I had another set back and it’s not been all gravy again. But I refuse to surrender to the disease. Jesus yes. Disease no. So I’d like to share some of the insights I picked up along the way. Or as my friend Jean Allen states in Manna Gathering, how I ‘prime my pump to access the deep well of an indwelling spirit we all have within us’ to find peace and comfort in turbulent rapids of a broken spirit.
So thank you for your continued patience while I start my engine and begin with some warm up laps.
Happy summer. Peace be with you.