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Writer's picture: MonaMona

Since putting together that poetry workshop I have been into writing poems. Here's three attempts (gulp) now. Feel free to share yours. I'll put them in with the workshop responses I got.

Dr. Bonnie Henry

Adam’s rib

Carries command

Used to perfection

Skilled proof

Quiet humility

Confident stature

Consistent truth

Grace, kindness, empathy.




A house of trust,

A spirit of willingness,

A shelter of safety,

A home of love.

True, strong, north and free.

Thank you.

Another one after seeing a wonderful vigil for Nova Scotia that really moved me.

nova scotia

devastation too great

to believe

there are no words

a man gone wrong

disguised as respect

abiding citizens

innocent and blameless

their trail of blood.

washed by a trail of tears.

our hearts are crushed

yours are shattered.

casseroles and cards

prayers and poems

we enter their tombs

to be with you

we mourn

your loss, our nation, a globe

for you, for us, for our world

barely standing.

you brought our own pain

out from stoic caverns

cathartic and necessary.

you allowed us to grieve

receive us too.

we’ll fly a flag

of vivid blue and white

colored with our own family’s hue

you’ll recognize us

our unified grief

becomes the weft in the weave

that time will heal

into a tapestry of hope

The story is not over

it is not final, we’ll see them again

we’ll embrace them again

and never let go

And the last one. A bit of humor to end on

Shaggy Bangs and Shot Elastic

Underwear that won’t stay up

Socks that strangle big toes

T-shirts that lost their shape

Embarrassment hanging on the line.

Why did I let them go so long?

Ear hair

Chin hair

Eyebrows in your eyes.

Razors kits delivered by drone

Mom's cuts, brush cuts, buzz cuts,

rainforest hair, roots above ground

Fingernails, toenails, armpits

How did it get to be Friday again?

Hack job, no job ...

Thank goodness for isolation.


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