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How has Covid changed me?

Writer's picture: MonaMona

Updated: Sep 29, 2021

Less waste

Heightened recycling, different purchasing

Reduced plastic consumption

No impulsive buying - work with what’s in the house

No online shopping

Less tech dependent

Minimum TV

Turn tap off

Lids on pots

Heightened water consumption

Shorter showers

Eco friendly Cdn made soap - laundry, shampoo, bath, dish – 4x cost

Less laundry

Lights off

Up earlier, bed earlier

More compassion

Refined hobbies

New simpler hobbies

Discernment not debate

Greater concern for all of life - song birds, squirrels, deer, bees, homeless

Amplified landfill waste awareness, greed - affects purchases

More gratitude especially for simplicity (am more content than ever)

Develop Jesus relationship

Pray more

More opportunity to administer to, show people I care

Heightened health practices - diet, exercise, lifestyle

Generous with time, talents, resources

A peaceful, hopeful spirit

My heart will soon follow where lasting impact will be. By changing I am restoring true value and dignity of life; I am helping the earth and my fellow brother; I am doing my utmost. As I give to the world the world gives to me. When I listen attentively I hear much more.

Changing one heart at a time will recover the world from Covid to the future we all yearn for.

Thanks be to God.


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