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God Speaks

Writer's picture: MonaMona

God Speaks God Comforts

Spirit communicates with us without words, without condemnation. Simply a ‘Here I am.

Over here. I haven’t forgotten you.’

I was talking to a girlfriend who earnestly implores Him to intercede on her behalf. She went on describe three mighty near-misses. Listening attentively, I couldn’t help but comment.

‘Boy, God sure is protecting you.’

‘That’s one way of looking at it,' she replied.

'That’s the only way of looking at it,' my insides bellowed.

Trying not to be too smug, I hung up confirming I would pay closer attention to my own listening skills. Let me recount several incidents that are still with me weeks and days later.

The most instructive happened in a beauty salon. Having an auto immune disease I was getting basic nail care done at a beauty shop as a special treat. The clinician saw my effort getting in and out of my brace, manoevering limbs and getting in position for her to clip and file. Once there, we happily chitchatted while she worked. Upon completion she got my brace and sandals but when I reached to assist my non-functioning side she said in her very broken English “Let me do it. Let me do it.’ Clear, direct, and strong but tender. It penetrated my soul and perfectly fit a situation I had been struggling with for months. I had subtle inclinations to ‘Let go’ but logic and reason kept me fighting. When this Japanese clinician said those simple words they boomed. I let go, she easily placed my foot in its slot, snugged things up and passed me my cane. It was that simple.

Another time He spoke was on on a particularly low day, (thankfully they're not often) ill health was getting to me. I forced myself to do a few stretches I often do as an antidote. I was sitting on my walker facing the window doing the pie plate one. Being fatigued in shorter time than usual I sat defeated on the verge of tears looking out the window at the early fall trees in the courtyard. A clump of branches flapped wildly. A chubby songbird pushed his way through a cluster of leaves. He was in open view of my line of vision. We made eye contact, mine welled up and overflowed. I have a special infinity for songbirds. We sat staring at each other for the longest time. Tears flowed, I felt remembered.

Not wanting that tone for the day, I got out for a breath of air. It was a beautiful September morning day. I got on my scooter and picked up a book in one of those driveway libraries. Perched on my favorite beach lookout I read peace quotes that were quite profound had my full attention. I felt something brush up against my leg. I looked down and it was a friendly house cat with a name tag. He let me pet him, in fact jumped up on my lap, not intimidated by the tiller, for a few more scratches. Cats, another true affinity. A true balm to my soul. Five minutes later he hopped down before lazily heading back down the lane.

So, does God speak?

You bet. Our hearts burn. And those who have ears will hear.



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