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Buttered Up

Writer's picture: MonaMona

The one wing wonder. I never knew buttering a slice of toast could be a full body contact sport that needed to be followed up by getting grease out of your shirt. Sweeping debris into a dust pan and making it to the garbage is another smash hit.

People watching me would roll their eyes because of my unusual methods. Sometimes I giggle at myself and yes, sometimes I cuss. I go through scads of tape - painters tape, masking tape, and duct tape, to hold things in place. It doesn’t have to be pretty, just doable and safe.

The list goes on, hammering a nail, measuring with a tape measure, cutting a straight line. I have to allow extra extra time to get the job done and I’ve got quite a few things down to an art. A slow art but that really doesn’t fizz anymore. And when it does I console myself with (2 Cor 12:9) ‘My power is made strong in your weakness.’ It’s is a promise I hang onto that like a trapeze artist and makes the difference between despair and amusement.

I believe great challenges are great opportunities to express a living faith in God instead of the knee-jerk anger, discouragement and despair. Being prepared to meet the divine in the everyday situations can be opportunities to experience God’s grace, strength, and ability, not mine, and then be a conduit of that love to others. If I am amused with my own methods and have a light heart about them I am better equipped to pass that attitude of heart on to the people who cross my path each day. It is an opportunity to express the patience and mercy He has so richly imparted to me to my fellow brother and sister.

Because God has generously taken care of my necessities, my creature comforts such as food and shelter, I can concern myself, focus on, taking the time I need to accomplish tasks with one wing. And if/when it’s time to give up those tasks altogether, I know there is something better waiting in His wings. Namely Him.

The more I am filled with Him, the less I want to be filled with me. Words and intellect fail pitifully to grasp at what I’m trying to express, but when I experience his grace, when his power is made perfect in my weakness, I can be content with weakness. Not that I desire it, but I desire Him. And is no comparison to anything a human mind can come up with.

Another morsel that keeps me motivated is Luke 39-40 that says if the master of the house had known what hour the thief was coming he would not have let his house be broken into. That tells me long as I’m alert and ready in heart and mind to meet the divine in any and all situations, one wing and all, then I’m in the best shape possible to see fulfilment in each day. And am in the best possible position to pass it on.

So in the meantime, whether it’s a damp cloth under the mixing bowl, a sharp dustpan, or using the corner of the sink to hold a dish in place, it all adds up to lemonade [grace] I can happily share.



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